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For Breakthrough Experience Graduates & Others who want to Empower & Master all areas of Life

Master Your Mindset and Transform your Life

Personalised 1to1 Demartini Method Coaching with an expert, without the $500+ per hour price tag

  • Live 1to1 Mindset Coaching           (self-paced 2-3 sessions weekly)

  • Self Directed coaching program based on your priorities. 

  • Access to step-by-step tools designed to empower each area of life.

  • Personalised Weekly Homework tasks Planned and laid out in your personal online workbook.


What is it?

Mindset Mastery is a Monthly Online 1to1 coaching and mindset education program.

The Purpose of Mindset Mastery is to

1. Dissolve Emotional Charges.

2. Find and Clarify purpose.

3. Create a Mission Statement.

4. Prioritise your Time, Create & Execute

on a plan to live your dream life.


Who is it for?

This Program is designed for Graduates of The Breakthrough Experience and other students of self-mastery that want guidance & accountability to implement these universal principles into their lives.

Those who want to work 1to1 with an experienced Demartini Method Facilitator to master their mind and empower all areas of their lives.

How Does it work?

 Work 1to1 with an experienced Demartini Method Facilitator in 75-minute blocks 2-3 times per week.

Complete your personalised homework tasks throughout the week.

 Use the tools & templates to better understand yourself and empower all areas of your life.


Mindset Mastery  Graduates Love their Life

David Storer

"The results just speak for themselves... I've gone from being a very unfulfilled bachelor to now being in a beautiful loving and fulfilling relationship.

From darting all around jobs to being hyper focused on one and now getting the results for it"

Pamela Stanley

"It's not about what happens to you it's how you look at it, because when you are able to look at it differently your life will change, I can guarantee that because I am the living proof of it"

Work with an Experienced Demartini Method Facilitator

After Discovering Dr Demartini's Life Transforming Demartini Method in 2015

I have since Attended & Facilitated 40 Programs across 4 countries 🇦🇺🇳🇿🇿🇦🇺🇸 including:


18 X The Breakthrough Experience


4 X The Breakthrough Experience                                   2 X Prophecy I

7 X Demartini Method Training Program                        1 X Prophecy II

1 X Values Training Program                                             1 X Empyreance I

1 X Facilitator Business Accelerator Masterclass            1 X Synchonicity 

1 X Advanced Demartini Method Online Training          3 X Master Planing For Life

Mindset Mastery is for You if...

 You have done The Breakthrough Experience before and you know intellectually the principles of the Demartini Method but are struggling to stay accountable or you are having difficulty applying them to your own life without being able to see yourself from the outside in.

 You want to understand your mindset better and have a bigger impact in the world, you are eager to learn and develop yourself.

✅  You are feeling stagnant in some area of your life and would love to work with a Demartini Facilitator one-to-one, but don’t want to spend a fortune on a package that doesn't guarantee results.

 You have a fear of living an average, mediocre, unfulfilled life and looking back at the end thinking that you could have achieved so much more... 

At the end of the Program You will...

❤️ Have an incredibly fulfiling and connected relationship with someone that you feel really understands you.

💰 Be more financially empowered & have a greater value on saving and investing money.

☯️  Be a lot calmer, more certain, more focused and really enjoying life.

👁️  Be Focused and clear on your mission & purpose in life.

💼 Be more fulfilled and engaged in your business or vocation.

🌏 Have awakened and grown your leadership and influence in the world.

😌  Feel liberation from past traumas that previously restricted you and held you back.

🌟  Have a greater appreciation and understanding of yourself and zest for life.

🚫  Have fully dissolved prolonged emotional states of depression/anxiety/grief.

Here's what's Included in the Program:

2-3 x Weekly 1-to-1 calls with Andy

Each Week you will have two-to-three 75 minute one-to-one calls for the purpose of self-development and mastery in all areas of your life.

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Access to step-by-step tools designed

to empower each area of life.

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Included in your program is access to a series of online tools designed to discover life purpose, dissolve mental blocks, prioritise your time, develop leadership, strengthen relationship bonds and enhance vitality.  

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Self Directed Coaching Program

based on your priorities.

Prioritise everything that you want to work on over the course of the program and systematically work through everything to create an inspired life. 

Each week you will have personalised homework tasks designed to empower each area of your life.

They are planned and laid out in your own personal online workbook.

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Personalised Weekly Homework tasks

In Mindset Mastery You will Learn

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- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

for Personal Goal of Program

If for whatever reason you feel you have not achieved your personal goal I will work with you until you do.

 ⭐ How to discover your life's purpose
 ✨ How to build an inspired life via delegation
 💲 How to speak and sell to anyone
 😨 How to systematically dissolve any fear
 🎯 How to set goals and master plan your life
 ❤️ How to master your intimate relationships
 🌟 How to become a leader and shine
 🙏 How to balance the mind and achieve true presence & gratitude
 🎭 How to dissolve resentment, worry, guilt, shame & procrastination
👅  How to become aware of the feedback your body is giving you

Testimonials & Growth

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“You're creative Andy on figuring out people's stuff, you don’t stop until you figure out what you need to do to help them, I see that you care.”

- Dr John Demartini 

Top Human Behavior Specialist of the Year 2020 

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Mindset Mastery Personal Mastery Program
Wheel of Life II

Empower all 7 Areas of Life

Spiritual Mission - Mental Genius - Inspired Business - Financial Wealth - Social Leadership - Family & Relationships - Physical Health 

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Discover or become clearer on your Life Mission

The more clear you are about your purpose and mission here on Earth the more certainty, presence and power you have as a human being.

When you meet someone who is clear on their purpose you can see it in their eyes, they have a mission to fulfil.

Become more focused & present.
Dissolve brain noise and dissipated energy. When you know yourself, you become more present and less emotionally volatile.

This is a state of mind that you can develop in the Mindset Mastery program. 


 Increase Your Financial Wealth

Create a greater value on financial wealth. Money flows through the economy from those who value it least to those who value it most.

The more you value wealth, the greater your net worth and the more financial opportunities you will notice.

Learn how to shift your values and create a greater value on wealth so you can earn more and hold onto and invest what you make.


Create Greater Respect, Appreciation & a more Fulfilling Relationship with your Partner.

Each individual has their own agenda and values in life and this can sometimes create conflict in relationships when you don't see eye to eye.

Learn the art of linking your partner's values with your own values to develop a greater appreciation for your partner and a more fulfilling relationship.



 Learn how to Structure your Business so you are doing what you love each day.

There are certain things in your business that you absolutely love to do and you operate at 100% of your capacity and have laser you focus on these things.

Then there are other things that are not as inspiring to you, where you are more scattered and may only operate at 20-50% of your capacity.

These are the areas that you procrastinate and hesitate in, that make you frustrated and handbrake your business progress.  

Wouldn’t it make sense to focus your limited time and resources in a way where you get the most out of yourself every day? 
In this program, you will learn to structure your time in a way where you are focused on what is most important to you and what you excel at only.

You can’t live an inspired life if you spend your time doing low-priority things that devalue you.
You will learn to link or delegate anything less than inspiring, this is how you build momentum and live a fulfilling life.

Dissolve fears and emotional charges that hold you back.
Anything that you have encountered in the past that you have labelled as trauma or tragedy will create fear

of the same or similar events happening in the future, leading to doubt, hesitation and procrastination.

Your emotional charges create tension in your body and prematurely age you.

These are simply lopsided perceptions of events that can be rebalanced and completely cleared in the Mindset Mastery Program.

Awaken Your Leadership and Grow your Influence
Everything that you see in others you have in yourself to the same degree, in your own unique form.

Those that become aware of this fact and own where they equally display what they see in others become leaders.

Those that deny that they have what they see in the authorities they look up to remain as followers.  
In Mindset Mastery you will own the things that you admire in others, dissolve your subordination to them,

take those so-called authorities off the pedestal and become the author of your own life.

Clear past relationship baggage that is blocking you from finding your ideal partner.
If you have had messy breakups, emotional baggage and other pains associated with intimate relationships in the past

this can create subconscious blocks that prevent you from meeting your ideal partner in the future.

Once you clear any pain associated with previous relationships you will start to open up to new relationships and notice opportunities you didn’t see before.

It's Time to Take Action and Book Your Complimentary Discovery Call Now

Your Life Could look completely Different in 30 days...

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  • Live 1to1 Mindset Coaching           (self-paced 2-3 sessions weekly)

  • Self Directed coaching program based on your priorities. 

  • Access to step-by-step tools designed to empower each area of life.

  • Personalised Weekly Homework tasks Planned and laid out in your personal online workbook.

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