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What is Synchronicity? And what does it mean?

Writer's picture: Andy CampbellAndy Campbell

Many people talk about synchronicity but I haven’t found any explanations of it…

Could you please explain to me why spooky shit starts happening when the mind is balanced?

Like what is the actual relationship between the state of the mind and the events of the universe?

Is it beyond time, matter and space? Is it within?

Ok fine, there are frequencies? Is this vibration thing true? Can it be proved?

I think having a proper understanding of this phenomenon will carry a huge amount of weight when solving real-life problems…it would probably allow people to start examining not only their strategy of making money, reaching goals ext

But also find significant importance on the state of the mind.

And if you want an example of what I mean it would be:

For eg when you finish the Demartini Method properly and see synchronous moments?

When that person you used to resent starts messaging you etc.

There are a few questions in one, so I’m going to do my best to answer this!

Firstly the basics of synchronicity:

Synchronicity describes that in any one moment if you are receiving support, you will also be receiving an equal and opposite amount of challenge to the same degree in both quantity and quality in the exact same moment (whether you are aware of it or not.)

( Note: most people will never become aware of this)

For example:

- You might have one (quantity) person challenging you a lot (quality) and many (quantity) people supporting you a little bit (quality).

- You might have one (quantity) person challenging you a lot (quality) and one (quantity) other person supporting you to the same degree (quality).

Either way the amount of challenge you are receiving = the amount of support you are receiving in actuality (what is actually there).

The same thing with all other pairs of opposites ⚫️⚪️ in the universe:

1 Person supporting heavily ➡️ You ⬅️ many people challenging a little bit

Group of people agreeing with ➡️ You ⬅️ Group of people disagreeing with

1 Person being generous to ➡️ You ⬅️ 1 Person being stingy to

If someone is praising you, someone else or multiple other people will be equally criticising you to the same degree, in the exact same moment, you can’t have one without the other.

(You probably need to experience this for yourself to fully understand and comprehend it & you can choose to experience it by practising the Demartini Method)

As humans, we don’t see actuality (what is actually there).

We see the world through the lens of our emotional charges (our own personal reality).

Because we have a conscious and an unconscious mind 99.9% of the time you will only be consciously aware of one side of this equation and unconscious & ignorant of the other side (this creates our emotional charges and our reality in our mind)

If you are conscious of the pleasure and unconscious of the pain you will seek.

If you are conscious of the pain and unconscious of the pleasure you will avoid.

This is the animal mind.



The more that you are focusing your time on low-value things, the less present you become and the more your mind flicks between past and future.

-infatuation (unconscious of the downside)

-resentment (unconscious of the upside)

The more you are doing what you love, the more present you are in life and the higher the probability of seeing both support and challenge equally in any one moment. (synchronicity)

You can get clear on your purpose with a free tool I have created by clicking this link

This is why people will sometimes speak about synchronicities being guides, the more you do what you love the higher probability you have of being present and noticing them.


Synchronicity is a state of mind where you experience full quantum awareness (presence) and have a perfectly equilibrated mind. ⚖️ (+=-)

You have temporarily transcended your animal mind of seeking pleasure and avoiding pain (mind that is run from the external world).

In this unconditioned state, you are seeing the bigger picture, the Devine Perfection of what is as it is and you have gratitude and love for whatever it is you are experiencing (there is nothing to change). 🙏❤️

Many people talk about synchronicity but I haven’t found any explanations of it…

As far as I’m aware Dr Demartini is the first person to create a methodology that gives people the ability to experience synchronicity.

Literally, less than 0.01% of the population will ever have any idea that this is going on, hence the small amount of credible information on it.

Someone, please explain to me why spooky shit starts happening when the mind is balanced?

When that person you used to resent starts messaging you etc

When I complete the Demartini Method with someone they are integrating their conditioned judgement of someone and changing the energy between the two of them.

All judgements are created in the terrestrial world of duality which consists of particle and anti-particle (benefit & drawback, pleasure & pain, admire & despise).

When you find the benefit of what you resent and the drawback of what you are infatuated with, instead of further division and disintegration, you are unifying and integrating your perception, moving from duality to singularity, from a conditioned state to an unconditioned state.

When you perfectly equilibrate your mind relative to someone for something they did in the past, your mind moves from perceiving them as either good or evil (conditioned judgement) to neither good nor evil (unconditioned love).

When you completely dissolve the judgement on them, your mind is no longer flicking between resenting them for what they did in the past and fearing what they might do in the future and you instead become present with them. 🙏

When I work with clients and they complete the Demartini Method they can then experience (or Empyreance) this presence and actually have a conversation with the person (whether they are alive or dead). - spooky shit.

Because you are present with the person in this moment, they are also present with you. (Sometimes this will manifest in them texting or calling you etc because you are on their mind).

When you are completing the Demartini Method you are slowly but surely dissolving your judgement on someone and as you do this your energy towards them is slowly shifting.

To understand this you can imagine two people butting heads (imagine I’m holding my hands like this 🤜🏼 🤛🏼).

One is pushing one way(thesis) and one is pushing the other way (anti-thesis).

Now imagine one of those people dissolves the judgement in their mind with the DM, the energy and force pushing one way completely dissolves and the person pushing the other way instantly drops their energy as well because there is no longer anything to push up against.

What is happening at the quantum level is the more that you polarise your perception of someone, (become more resentful or become more infatuated) the more you split your consciousness into conscious and unconscious. (Particle⚪️ and anti-particle⚫️ ).

The more that you integrate your perception of someone by finding the benefit of what you resent and the drawback of what you are infatuated with, the more you integrate the particle and antiparticle until eventually, they move from either good or evil in your mind (duality) to neither good nor evil (singularity).

Is it beyond time, matter and space? Is it within?

When you judge someone your mind becomes conditioned (you want to avoid or seek them) and your experience of time and space becomes heightened and more real.

For example, if you resent someone you:

- become more aware of space. Your perception of space contracts and you feel like you need to get away from them.

- Your perception of time expands and when you spend time with them it feels like time is dragging on for hours (you are in time and in space).

- As you live with this judgement day to day, your mind will flick between reliving the resentment of the past and fearing a similar situation happening in the future

When you dissolve the judgement you have on someone your mind becomes unconditioned and present. (Beyond time and space, present, here, now)

If I asked you where you are in the moment, there is no contrast for you to perceive space, you would just say that you are here, if I ask you when it was, there is no contrast for you to be able to perceive time, it is now.

Ok fine, there are frequencies? Is this vibration thing true?

Yes your mind will resonate at different frequencies based on your current state of mind.

A good example of this is when I took my dog for a walk and she saw a cat, for a moment they both stare at each other sizing each other up (making judgements) then in a split second the mind becomes conditioned, one becomes the predator and chases and the other becomes the prey and runs.

At the moment the judgment was birthed in my dog’s mind and she judged herself to be the prey, the dynamic was created and the frequency of her mind changed, manifesting in the being chased and running away dynamic.

Imagine if I could pause time at that moment and dissolve the judgement in my dog's mind with the Demartini Method. (Not possible but imagine).

When I pressed play on time again my dog would stop running away (no judgement of resentment) and the cat, having nothing to chase, would stop being the predator. (Interestingly my dog’s judgement of herself, seeing herself as the prey actually co-created the experience of being hunted by the cat).

Can it be proved?

My clients are able to see this every day when I take them through the Demartini Method on someone that they have an emotional charge on, someone that they admire or despise.

I think having a proper understanding of this phenomenon will carry a huge amount of weight when solving real-life problems…it would probably allow people to start examining not only their strategy of making money, reaching goals etc

Absolutely it does, one example is a sales dynamic, follow and they flee, flee and they follow.

The second you become the predator and chase your prospect with desperation they will run away.

The second you see your service as the prize, they chase you.

(Imagine the power of balancing your emotional charges around sales for example).

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